Jesus in Isaiah
If you open this book and humbly look with the eyes of faith you’ll see
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and what He’s done for thee.
His fingerprints on every page and by the Spirit written.
The love of God, here clearly seen, and yet our Savior, smitten.
His footprints found on holy ground
which if followed lead to Glory.
Listen! And hear the joyful sound
and the blessed Gospel story.
Jesus is the Savior. Isaiah is the Sage. Read Salvation’s story,
find peace though heathen rage.
The Prophet and the Prophecy, tell of a Kingdom Come,
from the Cradle to the blood-stained Cross,
see God the Father and the Son.
In chapter One Christ is the Hope, and the Healer of man’s soul.
“Though your sins be red like scarlet,
Christ can clean and make you whole.
In chapter Six we hear his voice saying, “Here I am, Send me.”
In Seven, the blessed virgin’s choice, Mary’s Majesty.
In Nine behold! a child is born, and there a Son is given;
amidst the night a streak of dawn, a portal into Heaven.
In Fifty-Three a Sacrifice for every Tribe and Nation,
precious blood which does suffice,
and whose Name means our Salvation. -id