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Luke 6:44
Every tree that bears not fruit
if fruit is in fact its aim
will be pulled up by the roots
if its life belies its name

On peach and apple trees you’ll find
not sermons, words or speeches,
but fruit that’s born from its own kind
so nature always teaches.

Some have taken Christ’s name in vain
forgetting what the Apostle said
of empty clouds, dry, without rain
faith without works is dead -id


Suffer the little Children

A first grade girl was sent to the Principal’s office in a California charter school for what was described as a “pronoun mishap.” She called a classmate by his boy name after his class “coming out” party where he announced that after careful consideration and all the wisdom of his six years he was transitioning to become a little girl. The perpetrator of the purloined pronoun was interrogated for nearly an hour to determine if a hate crime had been committed. The little girl was traumatized and confused. This exposed a new subtle indoctrination program that has been spreading through America’s education system and what is happening is nothing less than a sexual assault on innocent children. Children are being herded into reading circles by a teacher with two innocent looking picture books which promote transgenderism. It is nothing less than a secular humanist religious ceremony that is led by a shameless Shaman, disguised as a trusted teacher of truth. After the first book is read, the child who is “coming out” slips away from the circle to change into the clothes of its new chosen gender. Then Johnny takes his (opps, her) place and is reintroduced to his or her stunned classmates as a new person after the second book is read. From this moment forward it is against the law to use the wrong pronoun when referring to this new creation. This Rite of Passage is wrong. Pulling down statues in public parks is not as catastrophic as pulling down statutes. Psalm 19 says, “the statutes of the Lord are right.” Few of us have any idea what we want to be when we are five or six. We changed our minds a thousand times along the way. In the days of Noah, there was the Ark. In the days of King James, there was the Mayflower. In these troubled times the world is the Titanic, and yet there is still one (and only one) lifeboat left, called Jesus. While the world is concerned about helping little children in “coming out,” the Christian should be driven to their knees to pray for those who need to “come in,” especially those Jesus spoke of when he said, “suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” id

