In The News ![](../images/PEN2.jpg)
Like catacombs beneath the ancient streets of Rome, a network of tunnels runs beneath the rubble and streets of the modern-day Ghetto called Gaza. These hidden arterial channels and capillaries are filled with bad blood, bitterness, and resentment. The problem of the Middle East requires more than a medical or military operation. The world has ignored and tried to bypass this problem for generations. A bypass will not do. The Middle East needs a heart transplant. Hatred cannot be handcuffed, and ignorance cannot be incarcerated any more than the Gaderian demoniac could be tamed, as he kept breaking his chains asunder. He could not be contained until Jesus touched his heart and changed mind. Hamas is a bad idea and the only silver bullet for a bad idea is a better idea. Both the Republican’s “Make America Great Again,” and Democrats “Build Back Better,” are pipe dreams. Pipe dreams are fueled by Opium grown in poppy fields of politics, resulting in hallucinations.
Now Israel will try to go door to door in a never-ending war. We wish Israel well, but unless God goes with her armies, it seems they are about to enter the gates of Hell. Only time will tell. Israel is trying bombs and dropping leaflets in what looks like a hopeless situation. Jesus, who knocked on the door of the Laodicean Church is now also knocking at the Gates of Gaza (Gaza means strong city), as well as the Knesset ( which means Assembly) and every Kibbutz (which means gathering), not to mention every troubled heart saying “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him and he with me.” -id