Ivete and I often enjoy coffee and breakfast here in this corner where we begin the day together in the Word and in prayer.
Rare Books
Samuel Davies was Jonathan Edward's succesor at what is now known as Princeton University. This edition was printed MDCC.LXVII (1767). It is one of my oldest books. It contains Sermons unlike most you will hear today. "If the Darling of heaven, the Lord of Glory, though personally innocent, suffers so much, when sin is but imputed unto him, what shall the sinners themselves feel, who can claim no favor upon the footing of their own importance, or personal innocence? 'If these things are done in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry?”' (from Davies Sermon entitled “through Jesus Christ.
Recomended Books
Mass Media of Colonial Period
The New England Soul: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England by: Harry S. Stout Oxford University Press, 1986
(the Introduction)
“This study explores a seventeenth- and eighteenth-century medium of communications-the New England sermon- whose topical range and social influence were so powerful in shaping cultural values, meanings, and a sense of corporate purpose that even television pales in comparison.
Unlike modern mass media, the sermon stood alone in local New England contexts as the only regular (at least weekly) medium of public communication. As a channel of information, it combined religious, educational, and journalistic functions, and supplied all the key terms necessary to understand existence in this world and the next. As the only event in public assembly that regularly brought the entire community together, it also represented the central ritual of social order and control. Seldom, if ever before, did so many people hear the same message of purpose and direction so long a period of time as did the New England “Puritans.”
My Library
Ivete slowly moved her plants, one by one, into the library and somehow over the years the garden grew until my library was transformed into a kind of Eden, reminding me of the variety, beauty, and tranquality of that original garden.
(Sermons of the Most Useful and Important Subjects by Samuel Davies, 1767)
Adam met with God everyday (in the cool of the day) until he didn't. That was a turning point and sadly, we hear God calling out to him, "Adam, where art thou?" We have an appointment to keep and God is waiting for us each day in His word. You don't have to have a library, just a quiet time and spot. Set aside a time and place and meet Him there in the sunshine of His grace.
The most important book, of course, is the Bible. I purchased this 1969 Oxford Edition of the New Scofield Bible from the Hawthorne Gospel Chapel's bookstore in 1969. It is nearly worn out, filled with underlined text and little notes, but still filled with power, wisdom and wonder. It is the HIM Book.
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In Nature, every plant has its place and purpose. African Violets to the right, orchids, and cactus, ferns all growing together requiring unique care and attention..
Like plants, each of us has our God given unique qualities and gifts and purpose. We need to find the perfect spot to grow, thrive, produce and prosper. The place has been called the "Secret Place of the Most High," it is also called the center of God's will. Outside of God's will, we wither.
I have a copy of this painting “Bookworm” (by Carl Spitzweg, circa 1850) in my library. There is something wonderful and magical about ideas captured in print, held in the hand, and actually turning a page. God made man in his image and in the beginning was the WORD. I thank God for the WORD and for words.