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Let God be God"I am the LORD thy God .thou shalt have no other gods before me" Ex.20:1-2
"I Believe." So begins every statement of faith. Saying "I believe in God" both broadens and narrows what we believe. Many people claim they "believe in God." Do they, really? (See Mal 1:6). The devil claims to believe in God also. What is the difference between his and our believing? (Ja. 2:19). Saving faith not only believes, it also bows (Matt. 2:11; Lk. 6:46) Rom. 10:17 tells us of the only place we can find real faith. That is
The Bible is God's Word (2Tim. 3:16). It tells me everything I ever need or want to know about God. Where we came from, why we are here, where we are going. Past, Present, Future. It tells me about life, how to live, how to get the most out of life, and how to live forever.
NYC Collapse- You can't remove the foundation or supporting walls without disastrous results. (Ps. 11:3). What must be the foundation for our lives? (Lk. 6:48).
When we start building a skyscraper, where do we start? We start with the foundation. Everything depends on it. (The leaning tower of Pisa). The foundation of a happy life is God's Word. If God's Word is really "under us" (in what we Trust), it will also be "over us." How?
This first conviction establishes who and what is the highest authority in my life. I am responsible to many authority figures. When one authority conflicts with another authority I must decide which to obey. Since the Lord is not physically with us he has left us His Word which is the authority I follow.
LOOK IT UP 1Thes 2:13; 2Tim 3:16,17: Acts 5:29, Matt.4:4
THINK IT THROUGH What do these verses say about the Bible?
WORK IT OUT List, in order of importance, the authority chain of command in you life. What's first? | |||
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