"My Lord and My God"
John 20:28
A s professions go, none have ever topped this one.
"My Lord and my God." While Thomas is most famous for his doubting, he
recovers and redeems himself with this declaration. This says it all.
It cannot be more, and it must not be less.
I don’t have much confidence in a faith that has never doubted. Faith
must pass the fire test before it can be called real. If your faith has
never had to face the racing fire storms of uncertainty- I am afraid I
shall have to hold off on killing the fatted calf for you. We must put
off on "making merry" and throwing any parties- until we see a little
bit more evidence. Even Jesus taught this. In the parable of the sower-
some seeds grew up- they sprang up with excitement, but they withered in
the heat of the day. How is your faith? Has your faith been tested?
Doubts- are good in that they make us look a little closer at the Lord
Jesus. John the Baptist had his doubts. "Art thou he or do we look for
another?" (Mt. 11:3). Likewise, Thomas’ profession did not come easy. It
took some doing for the disciple to come to this conclusion. He came
late, but he finally came. Once he was there, nothing would ever move
him off this mark. Like Luther, he might well have said, "Here I stand:
‘My Lord and my God.’" That is who He is; nothing more, nothing less.
Jesus Christ cannot be more than God (what is more?) and we dare not
make Him less than Lord.
For most people in this world, Jesus Christ is something a little
"less" than God. He is something "less" than God to the Mormons,
Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Scientists; I could go on and on.
Until a person is able, like Thomas, to say "My God" when they look at
Jesus Christ, they are lost. Most of the world’s problems are the result
of this failure to believe Jesus is Immanuel.
Failing the first test: "My God" is the main problem of the world.
Failure in the second part of Thomas’ profession is the problem of the
church. While most "Christians" (so-called) will never make Jesus
something "less" than God, they often, by life and choice, and actions,
make Him something just a little "less" than Lord.
Thomas was absent that first Sunday. He made up for it on the second.
Thousands will be absent from church this coming Sunday. Thousands will
fail to read their Bible today. Thousands will have "Gone Fishing" (for
whatever), so to speak, this coming Lord’s Day. Oh they will talk
of grace and say that Jesus is their "God," not realizing that every
time we fail to obey Him, we in fact are making Him just a "little less
than Lord." Perhaps the world would take more seriously our claim
that Jesus is our God if it were more clear that He is our Lord.
Today Thomas believes, the world still doubts. Perhaps it is our faith, not Jesus,
that is less than it should be.
"My God," this is the believing; "My Lord," is the bowing.
May we do both.