da Kingdumb
“now make us a king to judge us like
all the nations..... that we also may be like all the other nations.” 1Sam. 8:5;8:20).
here is a big difference between a Kingdom and a Kingdumb. Saul
was the head of a Kingdumb. The Prophet Samuel could not persuade
Israel that having a mortal King was not in their best interests. God
would gladly be their King, but they were not interested. They needed
to hear what Jesus told Nicodemus, “that which is flesh is flesh, and
that which is spirit is spirit.” There is a spiritual “Kingdom,”
and then there is a “Kingdumb.” “now make us a king to judge us like
all the nations..... that we also may be like all the other nations.” 1Sam. 8:5;8:20).
Even though it was not a good idea, God allowed
Israel to proceed with their plans. There are some things that we will
never learn unless we learn the hard way. Samuel felt rejected. God
reminds us that as God’s servants we should not take rejection
personally. God said, “They have not rejected thee, but they have
rejected me.”
Providence brought Saul the son of Kish to Samuel.
Saul had no idea who Samuel was. He might have been one of the few in
Israel who had not heard about Hannah’s Son. Don’t expect to be an
eagle if you hang around turkeys. Saul raised asses for a living. Be
careful. “He that walketh with wise men will be wise, but a
companion of fools will be destroyed” (Prov. 13:20). It
might be pointed out here that David worked with sheep and Saul worked
with jack asses or donkeys. As these animals have a different
“temperment” so they are handled differently. Israel needs a shepherd.
God would find one in David, and David’s spiritual temperament led him
to proclaim what Samuel understood all along, “The Lord is my
Saul, at best was “goodly” (1Sam. 10:2). There is
big difference between being “goodly” and being godly. One is
spirit and one is flesh. One results in
finding the Kingdom and the other ( unless God steps in) in only finding a Kingdumb.