(Mat. 28:1)
aith rises where it finds Christ risen. "As it began to dawn" Two thousand years have passed
since the first Easter Morn. 730,000 day breaks have declared the glory
of God. "As it began to dawn" Sometimes Salvation comes
like a dawn. The Bible says that "The path of the just is as a
shining light, that shineth more and more unto a perfect day" (Prov.
4:18). For many coming to Salvation is like a gradual illumination of
the darkened heart. Make no mistake about it – man’s heart is dark.
Sin has made it so. Jeremiah said the "the heart is deceitful and
desperately wicked who can know it?" Before Christ, there was
Faith- for some- comes like a dawn, like a day break. Has it dawned
on you yet that Christ has risen from the dead and just what that means?
"As it began to dawn"
When God created the universe the Bible says that He began with light
(because He is Light) "Let there be light!" God always starts
with light.
The women did not really understand what had taken place and they did
not expect what we call Easter. They came with their spices and their
broken hearts, then gradually it began to dawn on them that something
fantastic had happened. That is the way it is with many. That is how it
was with the woman at the well. She first thought Jesus was just a man,
then a Jew, then a prophet, then the Messiah, then the Savior of the
world. Has it dawned on you?
"and behold, there was a great earthquake" For others
it is less the dawn than it is the earthquake. They need something more
drastic. They need to be shaken. They find Christ in the midst of a
great life shaking experience or crisis. Their world has crumbled and
fallen down. It may be their health that has crumbled, or their wealth,
their marriage, or their reason for living. There amidst the rubble, as
it was with the Philippian Jailer they find Christ. Some are saved at
dawn, others at midnight.
"the angel of the Lord …rolled back the stone." Some
do not come to faith until some large stone is rolled away. Some find it
impossible to believe until some angel, messenger, or minister rolls
away some large objection. Then at last for them, God’s Word one
day easily moves the stone. Suddenly they look in and see the grave
clothes and believe.
Each life of faith has its own story. Each Salvation experience
begins with finding the living and resurrected Christ. For some it is as
gentle as the dawn, for others, "things" must fall down around
them before "they" fall to their knees in faith. For
others, God sends an angel. However it is, each comes to the glorious
conclusion first expressed in Matt. 28:6 "He is not here, he is
risen, as he said."